Before it was an RV Resort, it was a working farm dating back to 1759. Francis Daniels an immigrant from the Province of Normandy acquired the 53 acres in 1759. The years have passed, and each succeeding generation has taken its place at Normandy. From dairy farm to chickens, then raising sheep, the families all worked the land first cleared from the wilderness over 230 years ago.As a note of interest; Donna and I were there at this same park on 9-11 (9-11-2001), I was working outside the coach when Donna's brother, Rick, called and told me to turn on the TV, I saw the second plane fly into the second Trade Tower.
Needless to say, we Americans will never forget that day.....
Much of the pasture and woodlot is now a Campground. In the background is the office/store and guard house.
The recreation lodge
Inside the lodge
ne of three swimming pools
Full snack bar and sandwich shop
Basketball court
kids playground
There are over 1200 spaces in this park, on consecutive weekends while we were there, they were all filled at $63.00 per night. We were there for 14 nights.
The pond is home to Canadian geese
and loads of catch and release fish
We end the Normandy Farms blog with a picture of Mr. Canadian Goose
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