Hornbrook and Klamath River
Yesterday, some of the campers launched their kayaks and floated downstream. The river has some white water areas but not anything that would tip you over…famous last words. If you are a fisherman “wannabe”, there is a fly fishing school here and we see boats drifting by with fishermen casting their lines in the water dancing their fly onto the surface inviting the fish to bite. It’s the perennial cat and mouse game, who’s got the best trap or lure…
The Klamath headwaters are in Oregon with confluences with the Shasta River, Trinity River and Salmon River before reaching the Pacific Ocean. Before the six dams were built, this river was the third-largest producer of salmon on the West Coast. However, it is still famous for its salmon runs, later this year around October and November millions of salmon will return to their home to spawn; their home is the Iron Gate Hatchery. The returning adult salmon make a 190-mile trip from the ocean to the hatchery. We hiked to the hatchery yesterday and spent 30 minutes talking to the fish technician, we met him in the building where the fry (baby salmon) were being cared for until they are large enough to be put out into the runs. The runs contained millions and millions of Coho, Chinook and steelhead fingerlings which will be release in the river later this year. The natural life cycle of a salmon is 2 to 5 years.
Our front row seat next to the Klamath River. See the Internet satellite antenna on top of the coach? that's how you get our emails. We've joined the 21st Century.
The flyfishing fisherman after their elusive dinner.
Floating down the river, what a life....Somebody's got to do it.
Looking up stream and taking in Mother Nature.
1,000,000? Count them...and this is only one family.
Our beautiful bouquet to you from a beautiful place!
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"The Wandering Jue's"
Allen & Donna